
Welcome to I.I.C.R.A.I.

The International Institute for the Cooperation on the Risk of Computer Attacks (I.I.C.R.A.I) is a non-profit association in cyber security.

Our mission is to share with our members the risks of Cyber Security . Members of the association have a platform for responding to an incident based on Cyber risk.

CSIRT IICRAI Incident Reporting System

The IICRAI CSIRT Incident Reporting System provides a secure web-enabled means of reporting computer security incidents to IICRAI. This system assists analysts in providing timely handling of your security incidents as well as the ability to conduct improved analysis. If you would like to report a computer security incident, please complete the following form. Please provide as much information as you can to answer the following questions to allow IICRAI CSIRT to understand your incident.


Please provide your contact information so that we are able to contact you should we need to follow-up. Your contact information is not required to submit a report using this form. However, incomplete contact information may limit CSIRT IICRAI's ability to process or act on your report.

Select One


When, approximately, did the incident start?

When was this incident detected?

Please enter a brief description of the incident


Was the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of your organization's information systems potentially compromised?